السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته guys
Water is very important for life. You can imagine if the water in this world disappeared instantly. Maybe you are being tormented now because you cannot enjoy fruit juice on this beautiful day. Maybe you spend millions of liters in your life. If water is not what our lives are.
We should always thank God. Because we can get water easily and use it for everyday life.
While there are many people who do not receive water as easily as us. Even they are willing to use water that is not suitable for use in everyday life. Be a pioneer to help our brothers who have difficulty getting clean water to use in their daily lives. Because they are human, we are also human. So what's the use of us being created by God if we don't help each other.
I made this innocent from my argument and. There is no negative intention from me and to spread goodness. I am just an ordinary servant of God who is sometimes wrong. If there are errors in any form, please forgive. Please share if it has a positive impact and please comment that God will make it easy for me to replyAlso visit my social media
The key word is Wak Kerez for Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook pagesEmail wakkerez@gmail.com
Pakistan's infamous couple Shahroz Sabzwari and Sadaf Kanwal have reacted to the severe criticism they received for their marriage.