Monday, 8 April 2019

Why is it so important to exercise?

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته guys


Surely many know how beneficial the sport is. But strangely there are still many who are lazy and even reluctant to exercise. If that's good, why not do it. Even though you do bad things to your body every day. You don't need a long time to exercise.

Exercise is very important for body health. For example, preventing disease and making your body good so that your partner likes to see it. Try to imagine how much time you spend to damage your body. For example by eating unhealthy foods and drinking unhealthy drinks. Must be a lot, right? Then why don't you leave a little time to exercise that is positive for your body.

Certainly not directly with the difficult. All must start from small things. Exercise even if only one time. for example Scout jump 1 time. That's better than people who don't exercise that day. even if you do that for one year, you do a 365 Scout jump. it must increase because basically people want to do better.


I made this purely from my argument. There is no negative intention from me and to spread goodness. I am just an ordinary servant of God who is sometimes wrong. If there is an error in any form, please forgive. Please share if it has a positive impact and please comment that God will make it easier for me to reply

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The key word is Wak Kerez for Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook pages


May be useful

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

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